

Refereed Journal Papers

(* graduate student advisees, ** undergraduate student advisees, *** post-doctoral fellow advisees)

  1. *Bae, J., *Choi, B., Krupka, E., and Lee, S. (2024) “Harnessing Project Identity and Safety Norms to Promote Construction Workers’ Safety Behavior: A Field Intervention Study.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE (Accepted).
  2. ***Kim, J., *Kim, D., and Lee, S. (2024) “Synthetizing Virtual Construction Images to Enhance the Limited Quantity and Diversity of Real Training Dataset in Real-World Application Scenarios.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, ScholarOne (Accepted). 
  3. Tohidifar, A., *Kim, D., and Lee, S. (2024) “Make it till You Fake It: Construction-Centric Computational Framework for Simultaneous Image Synthetization and Multimodal Labeling.” Automation in Construction, Elsevier (Accepted).
  4. *Lee, G., *Bae, J., Jacobs, J. V., and Lee, S. (2024) “Wearable Heart Rate Sensing and Critical Power-based Whole-body Fatigue Monitoring in the Field.” Applied Ergonomics, Elsevier (Accepted).
  5. *Baek, F., *Kim, D., *Lee, G., *Choi, B., and Lee, S. (2024) “Effect of Human Emotional Responses on Human-Robot Team Productivity in Construction.”, Automation in Construction, Elsevier (Accepted).
  6. *Kim, D., Goyal, A., Newell, A., Lee, S., Kamat, V., and *Liu, M. (2024) “Single-Shot Visual Relationship Detection for Accurate Identification of Contact-Driven Hazards in Robotic Construction.”, Sustainability, MDPI (Accepted). 
  7. ***Kim, J., ***Kwon, S., *Lee, G., and Lee, S. (2024) “Time-series Data Clustering with Load-shape Preservation for Identifying Residential Energy Consumption Behaviors”, Energy and Buildings, Elsevier (Accepted).
  8. Nasirzadeh, F., Karmakar, C., Habib, A., Neelangal, K., Mir, M., Lee, S., and Arnel, T. (2024) “Continuous Monitoring of Body Temperature or Objective Detection of Health and Safety Risks in Construction Sites: An Analysis of the Accuracy and Comfort of Off-The-Shelf Wearable Sensors.”, Heliyon, Elsevier (Accepted).
  9. *Yong, G., *Liu, M., and Lee, S. (2024) “Explainable Image Captioning to Identify Ergonomic Problems and Solutions for Construction Workers”, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE.
  10. *Lee, G. and Lee, S. (2023) “Deep Learning Domain Adaptation to Improve Generalizability across Subjects and Contexts in Detecting Construction Workers’ Stress from Biosignals”, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE.
  11. Luo, X., Li, L., and Lee, S. (2023) “Bridging the gap: Neuro-Symbolic Computing for advanced AI applications in construction” Frontiers of Engineering Management, Springer.
  12. Mir, M., Nasirzadeh, F., Mills, A., Bereznicki, H., Enticott, P., and Lee, S. (2023) “Construction Noise Effects on Human Health: Evidence from Physiological Measures ” Sustainable Cities and Society, Elsevier.
  13. Liu, Z., *Kim, D., Lee, S., Li, Z., An, X., and Liu, M. (2023) “Near Real-Time 3D Reconstruction and Quality 3D Point Cloud for Time-Critical Construction Monitoring” Buildings, MDPI. 
  14. ***Kim, J., *Kim, D., Lee, S. and Chi, S. (2023) “Hybrid DNN Training Using Both Synthetic and Real Construction Images to Overcome Training Data Shortage” Automation in Construction,  Elsevier.
  15. ***Lee, H., *Lee, G., Park, S., Lee, S., Jacobs, J., and *Ahn, C. (2022) “Collective Sensing of Workers’ Loss of Body Balance for Slip, Trip, and Fall Hazards Identification: A Field Validation Study” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE.
  16. Mir, M., Nasirzadeh, F., Bereznicki, H., Enticott, P., and Lee, S. (2022) “Investigating the Effects of Different Levels and Types of Construction Noise on Emotions Using EEG Data.” Building and Environment, Elsevier.
  17. ***Lee, D., *Wen, L., Choi, J., and Lee, S. (2022) “Sensor Integrated Hybrid Blockchain System for Supply Chain Coordination in Volumetric Modular Construction” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE.
  18. ***Lee, D., Lee, S., Masoud, N, Krishnan, M. S., and Li, V. (2022) “Digital Twin-Driven Deep Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Robot Control in Robotic Construction” Advanced Engineering Informatics, Elsevier.
  19. *Wen, L., *Kim, D., *Liu, M., and Lee, S. (2022) “3D Excavator Pose Estimation Using Projection-Based Pose Optimization for Contact-Driven Hazard Monitoring” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE.
  20. Mir, M., Nasirzadeh, F., Cabrera, D., and Lee, S. (2022) “Construction Noise Management: a Systematic Review and Directions for Future Research” Applied Acoustics, Elsevier.
  21. Liu, Y., Amit, O., Shayesteh, S., *Jebelli, H., and Lee, S. (2022) “Robotic Sensing and Perception in Construction: Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) based Physiological Computing Mechanism to Enable Robots to Perceive Workers’ Cognitive Load” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering.
  22. Shen, W., and Lee, S. (2022) “Formation of Inter-project Ties from the Sender–Recipient Perspective: Roles of Task Interdependence and Functional Interdependence” International Journal of Project Management, Elsevier.
  23. *Lee, G., and Lee, S. (2022) “Importance of Testing with Independent Subjects and Contexts for Machine Learning Models to Monitor Construction Workers’ Psychophysiological Responses” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE.
  24. Zhang, S., Bogus, S. M., Lippitt, C. D., Kamat, V., and Lee, S. (2022) “Implementing Remote Sensing Methodologies for Construction Research – An Unoccupied Airborne System Perspective” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE.
  25. ***Lee, H., *Lee, G., Lee, S., and *Ahn, C. (2022) “Assessing Exposure to Slip, Trip, and Fall Hazards Based on Abnormal Gait Patterns Predicted from Confidence Interval Estimation: A Field Validation Study” Automation in Construction, Elsevier.
  26. *Choi, B., and  Lee, S. (2022) “The Psychological Mechanism of Construction Workers’ Safety Participation: The Social Identity Theory Perspective” Journal of Safety Research, Elsevier.
  27. *Baek, F., *Kim, D., Park, S., Kim, H., and Lee, S.  (2021) “Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks with Adversarial Attack and Defense for Generative Data Augmentation” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE.
  28. Kim, Y., Kim, H., Murphy, R., Lee, S. and *Ahn, C. (2021) “Delegation or Collaboration: Understanding Different Construction Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Robotization” Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE.
  29. Shakerian, S., Habibnezhad, M., Ojha, A., Lee, G., *Liu, Y., *Jebelli, H., and Lee, S. (2021) “ Assessing Occupational Risk of Heat Stress at Construction: A Worker-centric Wearable Sensor-based Approach.” Safety Science, Elsevier.
  30. ***Lee, D. and Lee, S. (2021) “Digital Twin for Supply Chain Coordination in Modular Construction.” Applied Science, MDPI, Vol. 11, No. 13, 5909.
  31. *Lee, G., *Choi, B., Jebelli, H, and Lee, S. (2021) “Assessment of construction workers’ perceived risk using physiological data from wearable sensors: A machine learning approach.” Journal of Building Engineering, Elsevier, Vol. 42, 102824.
  32. *Seo, J. and Lee, S. (2021) “Automated Postural Ergonomic Risk Assessment Using Vision-based Posture Classification.” Automation in Construction, Elsevier, Vol. 128, 103725.
  33. ***Lee, D., Lee, S., Masoud, N., Krishnan, M. S., and Li, V. (2021) “Integrated Digital Twin and Blockchain Framework to Support Accountable Information Sharing in Construction Projects.” Automation in Construction, Elsevier, Vol. 127, 103688.
  34. Liu, Y., Habibnezhad, M., Shayestech, S., *Jebelli, H., and Lee, S. (2021) “Paving the Way for Future EEG Studies in Construction: Dependent Component Analysis (DCA) for Automatic Ocular Artifact Removal from Brainwave Signals.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 147, No. 8, 04021087. 
  35. ***Hwang, S., *Ahn, J., and Lee, S. (2021) “Agent-embedded System Dynamics (aeSD) Modeling Approach for Analyzing Worker Policies: A Research Case on Construction Worker Absenteeism.” Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, Emerald,
  36. ***Song, K., *Anderson, K., Lee, S., Raimi, K., and Hart, S. (2020) “Non-Invasive Behavioral Reference Group Categorization Considering Temporal Granularity and Aggregation Level of Energy Use data.” Energies, MDPI, Vol. 13, No. 14, 3678.
  37. *Jebelli, H., *Seo, J., ***Hwang, S., and Lee, S.  (2020) “Physiology-based Dynamic Muscle Fatigue Model for Upper Limbs during Construction Tasks.” International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Elsevier, Vol. 78, 102984.
  38. *Lee, G., *Choi, B., *Jebelli, H., *Ahn, C., and Lee, S.  (2020) “Noise Reference Signal-based Denoising Method for EDA Collected by a Multimodal Wearable Biosensor from Fields.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 34, No. 6, 04020044.
  39. *Jafari, P., Mohamed, E., Lee, S., and AbouRizk, S. (2020) “Social Network Analysis of Change Management Process for Communication Assessment.” Automation in Construction, Elsevier, Vol. 118, 103292.
  40. *Kim, D., Lee, S., and Kamat, V. (2020) “Proximity Prediction of Mobile Objects to Prevent Contact-Driven Accidents in Co-Robotic Construction.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 34, No. 4, 04020022.
  41. ***Song, K., *Anderson, K., and Lee, S. (2020) “An Energy-Cyber-Physical System for Personalized Normative Messaging Interventions: Identification and Classification of Behavioral Reference Groups.” Applied Energy, Elsevier, Vol. 260, 114237.
  42. *Lee, G., *Choi, B., *Ahn, C., and Lee, S. (2019) “Wearable Biosensor and Hotspot Analysis-based Framework to Detect Stress Hotspots for Advancing Elderly’s Mobility.” Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 36, No. 3, 04020010.
  43. *Lee, G., *Choi, B., *Jebelli, H., *Ahn, C., and Lee, S. (2019) “Wearable Biosensor and Collective Sensing-based Approach for Detecting the Older Adults’ Environmental Barriers.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 34, No. 2, 04020002.
  44. *Jebelli, H., *Choi, B., and Lee, S. (2019) “Application of Wearable Biosensors to Construction Sites: Assessing Workers’ Stress.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 145, No. 12, 04019079.
  45. *Jebelli, H., *Choi, B., and Lee, S. (2019) “Application of Wearable Biosensors to Construction Sites: Assessing Workers’ Physical Demand.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 145, No. 12, 04019080.
  46. Liang, C., Menassa, C., Mcgee, W., Lundeen, K., Lee, S., and Kamat, V. (2019) “A Vision-based Marker-less Pose Estimation System for Articulated Construction Robots.” Automation in Construction, Elsevier, Vol. 104, pp. 80-94.
  47. *Ahn, C., Lee, S., Sun, C., *Jebelli, H., *Choi, B., and Yang, K. (2019) “Review of Wearable Sensing Technology Applications in Construction Safety and Health.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 145, No. 11, 03119007.
  48. *Choi, B., *Jebelli, H., and Lee, S. (2019) “Feasibility Analysis of Electrodermal Activity (EDA) Acquired from Wearable Sensors to Assess Construction Workers’ Perceived Risk.” Safety Science, Elsevier, Vol. 115, pp. 110-120.
  49. *Kim, D., *Liu, M., Lee, S., and Kamat, V. (2018) “Remote Proximity Monitoring Between Mobile Construction Resources Using Camera-Mounted UAVs.” Automation in Construction, Elsevier, Vol. 99, pp. 168-182.
  50. *Jebelli, H., Khalili, M., and Lee, S. (2018) “A Continuously Updated, Computationally Efficient Stress Recognition Framework Using Electroencephalogram (EEG) by Applying Online Multi-Trask Learning Algorithms (OMTL).” Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 1928-1939.
  51. You, S., Kim, J., Lee, S., Kamat, V., and Robert, L. (2018) “Enhancing Perceived Safety in Human–Robot Collaborative Construction Using Immersive Virtual Environments.” Automation in Construction, Elsevier, Vol. 96, pp. 161-170.
  52. Golabchi, A., Guo, X., *Liu, M., *Han, S., Lee, S. and AbouRizk, S. (2018) “An Integrated Ergonomics Framework for Evaluation and Design of Construction Operations.” Automation in Construction, Elsevier, Vol. 95, pp. 72-85.
  53. *Ryu, J., *Seo, J., *Jebelli, H., and Lee, S. (2018) “Automated Action Recognition Using an Accelerometer-Embedded Wristband-Type Activity Tracker.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 145, No. 1, 04018114.
  54. *Jebelli, H., ***Hwang, S., and Lee, S. (2018) “EEG-based Workers’ Stress Recognition at Construction Sites.” Automation in Construction, Elsevier, Vol. 93, pp. 315-324.
  55. *Choi, M., Lee, S., Park, M., and Lee, H. (2018) “The Effect of Dynamic Emergency Cues on Fire Evacuation Performance in Public Buildings.” Journal of Infrastructure Systems, ASCE, Vol. 24, No. 4, 04018029.
  56. *Choi, M., Park, M., **Starbuck, R., ***Hwang, S., Lee, S., and Lee, H. (2018) “Distributed and Interoperable Simulation for Comprehensive Disaster Response Management in Facilities.” Automation in Construction, Elsevier Science, New York, NY, Vol. 93, pp. 12-21.
  57. *Shen, W., *Choi, B., Lee, S., Tang, W., and Haas, C. (2018) “How to Improve Interface Management Behaviors in EPC Projects?: The Roles of Formal Practices and Social Norms.” Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 34, No. 6, 04018032.
  58. ***Hwang, S., *Jebelli, H., *Choi, B., Choi, M., and Lee, S. (2018) ” Measuring Workers’ Emotional State during Construction Tasks Using Wearable EEG.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 144, 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001506.
  59. Kim, H., Ahn, C. R., Engenhaupt, D., and Lee S. (2018) “Application of Dynamic Time Warping to the Recognition of Mixed Equipment Activities in Cycle Time Measurement.” Automation in Construction, Elsevier Science, New York, NY, Vol. 87, pp. 225-234.
  60. Luo, X., Li, H., Cao, D., Dai, F., *Seo, J., and Lee, S. (2018) “Recognizing Diverse Construction Activities in Site Images via Relevance Networks of Construction Related Objects Detected by Convolutional Neural Networks.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Vol.32, 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000756. (2018 Journal Best Paper Award).
  61. *Choi, B. and Lee, S. (2018)  “An Empirically Based Agent-Based Model of the Socio-Cognitive Process of Construction Workers’ Safety Behavior.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 144, 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001421.
  62. *Jebelli, H., ***Hwang, S., and Lee, S. (2018) “An EEG Signal Processing Framework to Obtain High Quality Brain Waves from an Off-the-Shelf Wearable EEG Device.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 32, 
  63. ***Song, K., Kwon, N., *Anderson, K., Park, M., Lee, H., and Lee, S. (2017) “Predicting Hourly Energy Use in Buildings Using Occupancy-Related Characteristics of End-User Groups.” Energy and Building, Elsevier, Elsevier Science, New York, NY, Vol. 156, pp 121-133
  64. *Seo, J., Alwasel, A., Lee, S., Abdel-Rahman, E., Haas, C. (2017) “A Comparative Study of In-field Motion Capture Approaches for Body Kinematics Measurement in Construction.” Robotica, Cambridge University Press, 1-19, 10.1017/S0263574717000571.
  65. *Choi, B., ***Hwang, S., and Lee, S. (2017) “What Drives Construction Workers’ Acceptance of Wearable Technologies in the Workplace?: Indoor Localization and Wearable Health Devices for Occupational Safety and Health.” Automation in Construction, Elsevier Science, New York, NY, Vol. 84, pp 31-41
  66. ***Hwang, S. and  Lee, S. (2017) “Wristband-type Wearable Health Devices to Measure Construction Workers’ Physical Demands.” Automation in Construction, Elsevier Science, New York, NY, Vol. 83, pp 330-340
  67. Lee, S. (2017) “Applying System Dynamics to Strategic Decision Making in Construction.” Frontiers of Engineering Management, Chinese Academy of Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp 35-40
  68. *Anderson, K., Song, K., Lee, S., Krupka, E., Lee, H., and Park, M. (2017) “Longitudinal Analysis of Normative Energy Use Feedback On Dormitory Occupants.” Applied Energy, Elsevier Science, New York, NY, Vol. 189, pp 623-639
  69. Alwasel, A., Abdel-Rahman, E., Haas, C., and Lee, S. (2017) “Experience, Productivity, and Musculoskeletal Injury among Masonry Workers.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 143, No. 6, 05017003
  70. *Choi, B., *Ahn, S., and Lee, S. (2017) “Construction Workers’ Group Norms and Personal Standards Regarding Safety Behavior: From the Social Identity Theory Perspective.” Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 33, No. 4, 04017001
  71. *Choi, B. and Lee, S. (2017)  “The Role of Social Norms and Social Identifications in Construction Workers’ Safety Behavior 2: Group Analyses for the Effects of Cultural Backgrounds and Organizational Structures on Social Influence Process.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 143, No. 5, 04016125
  72. *Choi, B., *Ahn, S., and Lee, S. (2017) “The Role of Social Norms and Social Identifications in Construction Workers’ Safety Behavior I: Theory for Safety Behavior.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 143, No. 5, 04016124
  73. ***Hwang, S., *Seo, J., *Jebelli, H., and Lee, S. (2016) “Feasibility Analysis of Heart Rate Monitoring of Construction Workers Using a Photoplethysmography (PPG) Sensor Embedded in a Wristband-Type Activity Tracker.” Automation in Construction, Elsevier Science, New York, NY, Vol. 71 No. 2, pp 372-381
  74. *Ahn, S., Shokri, S., Lee, S., Haas, C., and Haas, R. (2016) “Empirical Study on the Effectiveness of Interface Management Practices in Dealing with Project Complexity in Large-Scale Engineering and Construction Projects.” Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 33, No. 2, 04016039
  75. *Liu, M., *Han, S., and Lee, S. (2016) “Tracking-Based 3D Human Skeleton Extraction from Stereo Video Camera toward an On-Site Safety and Ergonomic Analysis” Construction Innovation, Emerald, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp 348-367
  76. *Anderson, K. and Lee, S. (2016) “An Empirically Grounded Model for Simulating Normative Energy Use Feedback Interventions” Applied Energy, Elsevier Science, New York, NY, Vol. 173, pp 272-282
  77. Leite, F., Cho, Y. K., Behzadan, A. H., Lee, S., Choe, S., Fang, Y., Akhavian, R., and ***Hwang, S. (2016) “Visualization, Information Modeling and Simulation Grand Challenges in the Construction Industry” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 30, No. 6, 04016035
  78. *Seo, J., Lee, S., and Seo, J.(2016) “Simulation-based Assessment of Workers’ Muscle Fatigue and Its Impact on Construction Operations” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE,  Reston, VA, Vol. 142, No. 11, 04016063
  79. ***Hwang, S., Park, M., Lee, H., and Lee, S. (2015) “Hybrid Simulation Framework for Immediate Facility Restoration Planning After a Catastrophic Disaster” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 142, No. 2, 04016026
  80. Shokri, S., *Ahn, S., Lee, S., Haas, C., and Haas, R. (2015) “Current Status of Interface Management in Construction: Drivers and Impacts of Systematic Interface Management.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 142, No. 2, 04015070.
  81. Golibach, A., Han, S., *Seo, J., *Han, S., Lee, S. and Al-Hussein, M. (2015) “An Automated Biomechanical Simulation Approach to Ergonomic Job Analysis for Workplace Design.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 141, No. 8, 04015020.
  82. *Seo, J., *Han, S., Lee, S. and Kim, H. (2015) “Computer Vision Techniques for Construction Safety and Health Monitoring.” Advanced Engineering Informatics, Elsevier Science, New York, NY, Vol. 29 No. 2, pp. 239-251.
  83. Shokri, S., Haas, C., Haas, R., and Lee, S. (2015) “An Interface Management Process for Managing Risks in Complex Capital Projects.”  Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE. Reston, VA, Vol. 142 No. 2, 04015069.
  84. *Anderson, K., Song, K., Lee, S., Lee, H, and Park, M. (2015) “Energy Consumption in Households While Unoccupied: Evidence from Dormitories.” Energy and Building, Elsevier Science, New York, NY, Vol. 87, pp 335-341.
  85. *Hwang, S., Park, M., Lee, H., Lee, S., and Kim, S. (2015) “Post-Disaster Interdependent Built Environment Recovery Efforts and the Effects of Governmental Plans: A Case Analysis Using System Dynamics.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 141 No. 3, 04014081 .
  86. *Ahn, S. and Lee, S. (2015) “Methodology for Creating Empirically Supported Agent-Based Simulation with Survey Data for Studying Construction Workers’ Group Behavior.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 141 No. 1, 04014065.
  87. *Ahn, C., Lee, S. and Peña-Mora, F. (2015) “The Application of Low-cost Accelerometer for Measuring Operational Efficiency of Construction Equipment Fleet.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 29 No. 2, 04014042.
  88. ***Kim, B., *Anderson, K., Lee, S., and Kim, H. (2014) “A Real Option Perspective to Value the Multi-Stage Construction of Rainwater Harvesting Systems Reusing Septic Tanks” Water Resource Management, Springer, Germany, Vol. 28, No. 8, pp. 2279-2291.
  89. *Seo, J., **Starbuck, R., *Han, S., Lee, S. and Armstrong, T. (2014) “Motion-Data–driven Biomechanical Analysis During Construction Tasks on Sites.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 29, No. 4, B4014005 (Invited Paper from article at the 2013 ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering)
  90. *Han, S., Lee, S., and Peña-Mora, F. (2014) “Comparative Study of Motion Features for Similarity-based Modeling and Classification of Unsafe Actions in Construction.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 28, No. 5, A4014005  (2014 Journal Best Paper Award)
  91. *Ahn, S., Lee, S., and Steel, R. (2014) “Construction Workers’ Perception and Attitudes Towards Social Norms as Predictors of Their Absence Behavior.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 140, No. 5, 04013069.
  92. *Han, S., Saba, F., Lee, S., Mohamed, Y., and Pena-Mora, F. (2014) “Toward an Understanding of the Impact of Production Pressure on Safety Performance in Construction Operations.” Accident Analysis and Prevention, Elsevier Science, New York, NY, Vol. 68, No. 7, pp. 106-116.
  93. *Anderson, K., Lee, S. and Menassa, C. (2014) “Impact of Social Network Type and Structure on Modeling Normative Energy Use Behavior Interventions” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 30-39.
  94. Menassa, C., Kamat, V., Lee, S., Azar, E., Feng, C. and *Anderson, K. (2014) “A Conceptual Framework to Optimize Building Energy Consumption by Coupling Distributed Energy Simulation and Occupancy Models.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 63-78.
  95. *Ahn, C., Lewis, P., Golparvar-Fard, M. and Lee, S. (2013) “Toward an Integrated Framework for Estimating, Benchmarking and Monitoring the Pollutant Emissions of Construction Operations.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 139, No. 12, A4013003
  96. *Liu, C., *Ahn, C., An, X., and Lee, S. (2013) “Life Cycle Assessment of Concrete Dam Construction: Comparison of Environmental Impacts Between Rock-Filled and Conventional Concrete.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 139, No. 12, A4013009
  97. Kim, H., *Anderson, K., Lee, S. and Hildreth, J. (2013) “Generating Construction Schedules through Automatic Data Extraction Using Open BIM (Building Information Modeling) Technology” Automation in Construction, Elsevier Science, New York, NY, Vol. 35, No. 11, pp. 285-295.
  98. *Han, S., **Achar, M., Lee, S. and Pena-Mora, F. (2013) “Empirical Assessment of a RGB-D Sensor on Motion Capture and Action Recognition for Construction Worker Monitoring.”Visualization in Engineering, Springer, Germany, Vol. 1, No. 6.  (Invited Paper from article at the 2012 CONVR)
  99. *Han, S. and Lee, S. (2013) “A Vision-based Motion Capture and Recognition Framework for Behavior-based Safety Management.” Automation in Construction, Elsevier Science, New York, NY, Nov., 2013, Vol. 35, No 11, pp. 131-141.
  100. *Ahn, S., Lee, S., and Steel, R. (2013) “Effects of Workers’ Social Learning: Focusing on Absence Behavior.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 139, No. 8, pp. 1015-1025.
  101. *Han, S., Lee, S., and Peña-Mora, F. (2013) “Vision-based Detection of Unsafe Actions of a Construction Worker: A Case Study of Ladder Climbing.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 635-644. (Invited Paper from article at the 2011 ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering)
  102. *Ahn, C. and Lee, S. (2013) “Importance of Operational Efficiency to Improve Environmental Performance of Construction Operations.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 139, No. 4, pp. 404-413.
  103. *Hwang, S., Park, M., Lee, H., Lee, S., and Kim, S. (2013) “Dynamic Feasibility Analysis of the Housing Strategies in a Recession: The Case of the Korean Housing Market.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 139, No. 2, pp. 148-160 (Thomas Fitch Rowland Prize).
  104. *Ahn, C., Peña-Mora, F., Lee, S., and Arboleda, C. (2012)“A+C and A+B+C Bidding Methods – Consideration of GHG Emissions in Construction Contracting for Public Works.” Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 86-94.
  105. *Azimi, R., Lee, S., and AbouRizk, S. (2012) “Applying Basic Control Theory Principles to Project Control: a Case Study of Off-site Construction Shops.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 681-690.
  106. *Alvanchi, A., Lee, S., and AbouRizk, S. (2012) “Dynamics of Workforce Skill Evolution in Construction Projects.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, CSCE, Canada, Vol. 39, No. 9, pp. 1005-1017 (Invited Paper from article at the 2011 CSCE Annual General Meeting and Conferences)
  107. *Alvanchi, A.,*Azimi, R., Lee, S., AbouRizk, S. and Zubick, P. (2012) “Off-Site Construction Planning Using Discrete Event Simulation.” Journal of Architectural Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 114-122.
  108. Lee, H., Lee, K., Park, M., Baek, Y. and Lee, S.  (2012) “RFID-Based Real-Time Locating System for Construction Safety Management.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 366–377.
  109. Son, B., Yu, J., Park, M., *Jeong, J. and Lee, S. (2012) “Development Framework of Interactive Electronic Technical Manual for Urban Regeneration.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management, KICEM, Korea, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 20-26.
  110. Han, S., Lee, S., Pena-Mora, F. (2012) “Identification and Quantification of Non-Value Adding Activities due to Errors and Changes for Designing Robust Construction Project.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Reston, VA, January, 2012, Vol. 138, No.1, pp.98-109.
  111. *Alvanchi, A., Lee, S., AbouRizk, S. (2012) “Dynamics of Working Hours in Construction.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 138, No.1, pp.66-77.
  112. Chen, A., *Han, S., Lee, S., Pena-Mora, F. (2011) “A Civilian Reporting Service to Guide Converging Resources and Search and Rescue Teams in Disaster Response Considering Risk and Health Factors.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management, KICEM, Korea, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 45-51.
  113. *Azimi, R., Lee, S., AbouRizk, S. (2011) “Intelligent Look-Ahead Scheduling for Structural Steel Fabrication Projects.” International Journal on Advances in Software, IARIA, Vol. 4, No. 1 & 2, pp. 207-217.
  114. *Sichani, M. S., Lee, S., Robinson Fayek, A. (2011) “Understanding Construction Workforce Absenteeism in Industrial Construction.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, CSCE, Canada, Vol. 38, No. 8, pp. 849-858 (Stephen G. Revay Award).
  115. *Pan, W., Lee, S., AbouRizk, S. (2011) “Estimating Hazardous Gas Emissions from Construction Equipment Using Special Purpose Simulation.” International Journal of Constructed Environment, CGPublisher, Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp.155-174.
  116. *Alvanchi, A., Lee, S., AbouRizk, S. (2011) “Modeling Framework and Architecture for Hybrid System Dynamics and Discrete Event Simulation for Construction.” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Blackwell, Malden, MA, Feb. 2011, Vol. 26, No 2, pp. 77-91.
  117. *Azimi, R., Lee, S., AbouRizk, S., *Alvanchi, A. (2011) “Framework for Automated and Integrated Project Monitoring and Control System for Steel Construction.” Automation in Construction, Elsevier Science, New York, NY, Jan., 2011, Vol. 20, No 1, pp. 88-97 (Invited Paper from article at the 2009 Joint International Conference on Construction Engineering and Management and Construction Project Management (ICCEM-ICCPM)
  118. *Ahn, C., Lee, S., Peña-Mora, F., AbouRizk, S. (2010) “Toward Environmentally Sustainable Construction Processes: The U.S. and Canada’s Perspective on Energy Consumption and GHG/CAP Emissions.” Sustainability, Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI), Basel, Switzerland, 2010, Vol. 2, No.1, pp. 354-370 (Invited Review Paper – Special Issue on Environmental Sustainability and the Built Environment)
  119. Golparvar, M., Peña-Mora, F., Arboleda, C., Lee, S. (2009) “Visualization of Construction Progress Monitoring with 4D Simulation Model Overlaid on Time-lapsed Photographs.” Journal of Computing In Civil Engineering (Special Issue on Graphical 3D Visualization in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction), ASCE, Reston, VA. November/December, 2009, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 391-404.
  120. Lee, S., Han, S., Peña-Mora, F. (2009) “Integrating Construction Operation and Context in Large-Scale Construction Using Hybrid Computer Simulation.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, March/April, 2009, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 75-83. (Invited Paper from article at the 2007 ASCE Computing in Civil Engineering Workshop, Special Issue in IT Support for Advanced Infrastructure Systems)
  121. Peña-Mora, F., Han, S., Lee, S., Park, M. (2008) “Strategic-Operational Construction Management: A Hybrid System Dynamics and Discrete Event Approach.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Reston, VA., Vol. 134, No. 9, pp. 701-710.
  122. Lee, S., Peña-Mora, F. (2007) “Understanding Iterative Error and Change Cycles in Large-Scale Design and Construction.” System Dynamics Review, System Dynamics Society, Wiley Science, UK, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 35-60.
  123. Motawa, I., Anumba, C., Lee, S., Peña-Mora, F. (2007) “An Integrated System for Change Management System in Construction.” Automation in Construction, Elsevier Science, New York, NY, March, 2007, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 368-377.
  124. Lee, S., Peña-Mora, F., Park, M. (2006) “Reliability and Stability Buffering Approach: Focusing on the Issues of Errors and Changes in Concurrent Design and Construction Projects.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Reston, VA, May, 2006, Vol. 132, No. 5, pp. 452-464.
  125. Lee, S., Peña-Mora, F., Park, M. (2006) “Dynamic Planning and Control Methodology For Strategic and Operational Construction Project Management.” Automation in Construction, Elsevier Science, New York, NY, January, 2006, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 84-97.
  126. Lee, S., Peña-Mora, F., Park, M. (2005) “Quality and Change Management Model For Large Scale Concurrent Design and Construction Projects.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Reston, VA, July/August, 2005, Vol. 131, No. 8, pp. 890-902.

Refereed Conference Papers

(* graduate student advisees, ** undergraduate student advisees, *** post-doctoral fellow advisee)

  1. *Wen, L., *Yong, G., *Baek, F., and Lee, S. (2024) “Text-to-Motion Generation for Construction Worker’s Posture Coaching Applying Stochastic Ergonomic Risk Minimization.” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE), Pittsburgh, PA.
  2. *Yong, G., *Liu, M., and Lee, S. (2024) “Vision-based Ergonomic Problem and Solution Identification with Pose-Aware Image Captioning.” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE), Pittsburgh, PA.
  3. *Sohn, J., ***Lee, H., *Lee, G., Jacobs, J., Lee, S. (2024) “Feasibility of Applying a Wearable Electrodermal Activity Sensor for Individual Fall Risk Assessment.” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE), Pittsburgh, PA.
  4. *Baek, F., *Bae, J., *Ahn, C. R., and Lee, S. (2024) “The Effects of Considering Cognitive Responses on the Human-Robot Team Productivity.” The 10th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM), Sapporo, Japan.
  5. *Bae, J., *Lee, G., and Lee, S. (2024) “Ear-EEG-based Stress Assessment for Construction Workers: A Comparison with High-Density Scalp-EEG.” The 10th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM), Sapporo, Japan.
  6. Yoon, S., Shin, S., Lee, S., Park, M., and *Ahn, C. R. (2024) “Evaluating Viewpoint Control Techniques in Virtual Reality Interface for Teleoperating Construction Welding Robots.” Joint 3D GeoInfo Conference and EG-ICE Workshop, Vigo, Spain.
  7. *Yong, G., *Liu, M., and Lee, S. (2024) “Automated Captioning for Ergonomic Problem and Solution Identification in Construction Using a Vision-Language Model and Caption Augmentation” ASCE Construction Research Congress, Des Moines, IA (accepted).
  8. *Baek, F., *Kim, D., *Lee, G., *Choi, B., and Lee, S. (2022) “Emotional Response Modeling for Human-Robot Collaboration in Construction.” The 22nd International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, Seoul, Korea (Best Paper Award)
  9. ***Kim, J., *Baek, F., and Lee, S. (2022) “Synthetizing Virtual Training Images for DNN-Powered Visual Scene Understanding in Construction.” The 22nd International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, Seoul, Korea.
  10. ***Kim, J., *Kim, D., and Lee, S. (2022) “Construction Image Synthetization to Overcome a Small, Biased Real Training Dataset for DNN-Powered Visual Scene Understanding.” IEEE Winter Simulation Conference, Singapore.
  11. *Lee, G., *Bae, J., and Lee, S. (2022) “Paired Electrodes- and Constraint Independent Components Analysis-based Denoising to Alleviate Motion Artifacts in Electroencephalogram Collected at Construction Sites.” European Conference on Computing in Construction, Rhodes, Greece.
  12. **Kim, J., *Kim, D., **Shah, J., and Lee, S. (2022) “Synthetic Training Image Dataset for Vision-Based 3D Pose Estimation of Construction Workers.” ASCE Construction Research Congress, Washington D.C.
  13. *Lee, G. and Lee, S. (2022) “Feasibility of a Mobile Electroencephalogram (EEG) sensor-based Stress Type Classification for Construction Workers.” ASCE Construction Research Congress, Washington D.C.
  14. ***Song, K, *Lee, G., *Han, S., and Lee, S. (2022) “Evaluation of Construction Workers’ Emotional States during Virtual Reality-Based Safety Training.” ASCE Construction Research Congress, Washington D.C.
  15. *Choi, B. and Lee, S. (2021) “Impact of the Dynamicity of Workgroup Changes on Social Influence of Construction Workers’ Safety Behaviors.” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE), Orlando, FL.
  16. Lee, H., *Lee, G., Lee, S., and *Ahn, C. R. (2021) “Assessing Exposure to Slip, Trip, and Fall Hazards by Measuring Construction Worker Loss of Balance.” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering 2021, Orlando, FL. (Identified as one the top papers and invited to the special issue publication in the ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering)
  17. *Wen, L., Kim, D., Liu, M., and Lee, S. (2021) “3D Excavator Pose Estimation: Direct Optimization from 2D Pose using Kinematic Constraints.” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE), Orlando, FL. (Identified as one the top papers and invited to the special issue publication in the ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering).
  18. ***Kim, J., Kim, D., Shah, J., and Lee, S. (2021) “Training a Visual Scene Understanding Model Only with Synthetic Construction Images.” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE), Orlando, FL. (Identified as one the top papers and invited to the special issue publication in the ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering)
  19. *Lee, G., Lee, S., and Brognus, G. (2021) “Feasibility of Wearable Heart Rate Sensing-based Whole-body Physical Fatigue Monitoring for Construction Workers.” The CSCE Annual Conference, Virtual. (Identified as one the top papers and invited to the special issue publication in the Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering)
  20. Armstrong, D., Moore, C., Cavuoto, L., Gallagher, S., Lee, S., Sonne, M., and Fischer, S. (2021) “Advancing Towards Automated Ergonomic Assessment: A Panel of Perspectives.” 21st Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Vancouver, Canada.
  21. Ojha, A., Shakerian, S., Habibnezhad, M., *Jebelli, H., Lee, S., and Fardhosseini, M. (2020) “Feasibility of Using Physiological Signals from a Wearable Biosensor to Monitor Dehydration of Construction Workers.” Creative Construction Conference, Virtual.
  22. *Liu, Y., *Jebelli, H., and Lee, S. (2020) Ocular Artifacts Reduction in EEG Signals by Applying a Dependent Component Analysis (DCA).” ASCE Construction Research Congress, Tempe, AZ. (Identified as one the top papers and invited to the special issue publication in the ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management)
  23. ***Song, K., *Anderson, K., and Lee, S. (2020) “Residents’ Perceptions of Behavioral Reference Groups for Personalized Normative Messaging Interventions.” ASCE Construction Research Congress, Tempe, AZ.
  24. *Kim, D., *Jebelli, H., Lee, S., and Kamat, V.R. (2020) “Enhancing Vision-based Proximity Prediction Performance for Struck-by Accident Prevention in Construction.” ASCE Construction Research Congress, Tempe, AZ.
  25. *Jebelli, H., Khalili, M., and Lee, S. (2020) “Multi-level Assessment of Occupational Stress in the Field Using a Wearable EEG Headset.” ASCE Construction Research Congress, Tempe, AZ.
  26. *Lee, G., *Jebelli, H., and Lee, S. (2020) “Online Multi-Task Learning and Wearable Biosensor-based Detection of Multiple Seniors’ Stress in Daily Trips.” Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Maui, HI.
  27. *Shen, W., Tang, W., and Lee, S. (2019) “Effects of Brokerage Roles and Communication Direction on Communication Efficiency: A Case Study from a Chinese Construction Project.” International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, Chongqing, China. (Merit Paper Award)
  28. ***Song, K., *Anderson, K., Lee, S., Raimi, K., and Hart, S. (2019) “The Role of Reference Groups and Entitativity in the Group Identification process for Personalized Normative Messaging Interventions.” Sustainable Built Environment, Seoul, Korea.
  29. ***Hwang, S., *Jebelli, H., Lee, S., *Chung, S., and Lee, S. (2019) “Measurement of Individuals’ Emotional Stress Responses to Construction Noise through Analysis of Human Brain Waves.” International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM), Hong Kong.
  30. *Choi, B. and Lee, S. (2019) “Impact of the Dynamicity of Workgroup Changes on Social Influence of Construction Workers’ Safety Behaviors.” International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM), Hong Kong. 
  31. Choi, B., Lee, G., Jebelli, H. and Lee, S. “Assessing Workers’ Perceived Risk During Construction Task Using A Wristband-Type Biosensor” Creative Construction Conference, Budapest, Hungary.
  32. *Lee, G., *Choi, B., *Ahn, C., and Lee, S. (2019) “Feasibility of Wearable-based Collective Sensing to Detect Environmental Barriers for Facilitating the Elderly’s Mobility.” International Conference on Smart Infrastructure and Construction (ICSIC), Cambridge, U.K.
  33. *Kim, D., *Liu, M., Lee, S., and Kamat, V.R. (2019) “Trajectory Prediction of Mobile Construction Resources Toward Pro-active Struck-by Hazard Detection.” 36th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), Banff, AB, Canada.
  34. ***Song, K., *Anderson, K., Lee, S., Raimi, K.T., and Hart, P.S. (2019) “Exploring the Effect of Data Granularity on Personalized Normative Messaging Interventions for Reducing Household Energy Consumption” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE), Atlanta, GA.
  35. *Lee, G., *Choi, B., *Jebelli, H., Ahn C.R., and Lee, S. (2019) “Reference Signal-Based Method to Remove Respiration Noise in Electrodermal Activity (EDA) Collected from the Field” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE), Atlanta, GA.
  36. *Kim, D., Goyal, A., Newell, A., Lee, S., Deng, J., and Kamat, V.R. (2019) “Semantic Relation Detection Between Construction Entities To Support Safe Human-Robot Collaboration in Construction” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE), Atlanta, GA.
  37. Liang, C.-J., Lundeen, K.M., McGee, W., Menassa, C.C., Lee, S., and Kamat, V.R. (2019) “Fast Dataset Collection Approach for Articulated Equipment Pose Estimation” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE), Atlanta, GA.
  38. *Jebelli, H. and Lee, S. (2018) “Feasibility of Wearable Electromyography (EMG) to Assess Construction Workers’ Muscle Fatigue” CIB W78 Conference, Chicago, IL. 
  39. *Jebelli, H., Khalili, M. M., and Lee, S. (2018) Mobile EEG-based Workers’ Stress Recognition by Applying Deep Neural Network CIB W78 Conference, Chicago, IL. (Charles M. Eastman Top PhD Paper Award)
  40. Liang, C. J., Lundeen, K. M., McGee, C., Menassa, C., Lee, S., and Kamat, V. (2018) “Stacked Hourglass Networks for Markerless Pose Estimation of Articulated Construction Robots International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, Auburn, TX.
  41. *Jebelli, H., *Choi, B., ***Kim, H. and Lee, S. (2018) “Feasibility Study of a Wristband-type Wearable Sensor to Understand Construction Workers’ Physical and Mental Status” ASCE Construction Research Congress, New Orleans, LA.
  42. *Xhen, W., *Choi, B., Lee, S., and Tang, W. (2018) “Effects of Formal Practices and Teamwork on Interface Management Performance in Large-Scale Construction Projects” ASCE Construction Research Congress, New Orleans, LA.
  43. *Jebelli, H., Khalili, M., ***Hwang, S. and Lee, S. (2018) “A Supervised Learning-based Construction Workers’ Stress Recognition Using a Wearable (Electroencephalography) EEG Device” ASCE Construction Research Congress, New Orleans, LA.
  44. Antwi-Afari, M, Li, H., *Seo, J., Wong, A., Lee, S., and Edwards, D. (2018) “Wearable Insole Pressure Sensors for Automated Detection and Classification of Slip-Trip-Loss of Balance Events in Construction Workers” ASCE Construction Research Congress, New Orleans, LA.
  45. Xiao, Y., Kamat, V., and Lee, S. (2018) “Monitoring Excavation Slope Stability Using Dronse” ASCE Construction Research Congress, New Orleans, LA.
  46. *Choi, B. and Lee, S. (2017) “Impact of the Strictness and Cohesiveness of Management Feedback on Construction Workers’ Safety Behavior: Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation.” International Conference on Simulation, Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Madrid, Spain.
  47. *Choi, B., Lee, S., Park, M. and Lee, H. (2017) “Understanding Dynamic Risk Perception in Large-Scale Infrastructure Evacuations Using an Interactive Simulation.” International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Constructed Infrastructure Facilities, Seoul, Korea.
  48. *Choi, B. and Lee, S. (2017) “Modeling the Effect of a Socio-Psychological Process
    on Construction Workers Safety Behavior”
    ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, Seattle, WA.
  49. *Jebelli, H., ***Hwang, S. and Lee, S. (2017) “Feasibility of Field Measurement of Construction Workers’ Valence Using a Wearable EEG Device” ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, Seattle, WA.
  50. *Kim, D., *Yin, K., *Liu, M., Lee, S. and Kamat, V. (2017) “Proximity Detection of Construction Workers and Active Equipment Using a Camera-Mounted Drone” ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, Seattle, WA.
  51. *Liu, M., *Han, S. and Lee, S. “Potential of Convolutional Neural Network-based 2D Human Pose Estimation for On-site Activity Analysis of Construction Workers” ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, Seattle, WA.
  52. *Choi, M., Hwang, S., Park, M. and Lee, S. (2016) “High Level Architecture (HLA) Compliant Distributed Simulation Platform for Disaster Preparedness and Response in Facility Management.” Winter Simulation Conference, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Washington D.C.
  53. Radwin, R., Lee, S., Li, K., Lieblich, M., and Park, B “Discussion Panel on Computer Vision and Occupational Ergonomics” Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Annual Meeting, Washing D.C.
  54. *Choi, B. and Lee, S. (2016) “How Social Norms Influence Construction Workers’ Safety Behavior: A Social Identity Perspective.” ASCE Construction Research Congress, Puerto Rico.
  55. ***Hwang, S., *Seo, J., *Ryu, J., and Lee, S. (2016) “Challenges and Opportunities of Understanding Construction Worker’s Physical Demands through Field Energy Expenditure Measurement Using a Wearable Activity Tracker.” ASCE Construction Research Congress, Puerto Rico.
  56. *Choi, M., Park, M., Lee, H., and Lee, S. (2016) “Understanding the Role of Dynamic Risk Perception during Fire Evacuations using Agent-based Modeling.” ASCE Construction Research Congress, Puerto Rico.
  57. *Liu, M., Han, S., and Lee, S. (2016) “Silhouette-Based On-Site Human Action Recognition in Single-View Video.” ASCE Construction Research Congress, Puerto Rico.
  58. *Ryu, J., *Seo, J., *Liu, M., Lee, S., and Haas, C. (2016) “Action Recognition Using Accelerometers on Wearable and Mobile Devices: Case Study of Masonry Work” ASCE Construction Research Congress, Puerto Rico.
  59. *Seo, J. and Lee, S. (2016) “Automated Postural Ergonomic Assessment Using Computer Vision-based Posture Classification.” ASCE Construction Research Congress, Puerto Rico.
  60. *Seo, J., *Liu, M. and Lee, S. (2015) “Vision-based Posture Classification Using Virtual Training Datasets for Automated Postural Ergonomic Evaluation” 15th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, Banff, Alberta, Canada. (Nominated for the Best Paper Award)
  61. *Choi, B., *Ahn, S., and Lee, S. (2015) “Understanding Social Influence on Construction Worker’s Safety Behavior.” Proceedings of 12th International Organization, Technology, and Management in Construction Conference, Primosten, Croatia.
  62. *Kim, J., You, S., Lee, S., Kamat, V., and Robert, L. (2015) “Evaluation of Human Robot Collaboration in Masonry Work Using Immersive Virtual Environments.” 15th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
  63. *Mathur, N., Aria, S., Adams, T., *Ahn, C., and Lee, S. (2015) “Automated Cycle Time Measurement and Analysis of Excavator’s Loading Operation Using Smart Phone-Embedded IMU Sensors.” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Austin, TX.
  64. *Seo, J., *Moon, M., and Lee, S. (2015) “Worker-Oriented Construction Operation Simulation Reflecting the Effect of Fatigue.” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Austin, TX.
  65. *Ahn, S., *Choi, B., and, Lee, S. (2015) “Investigation on Construction Workers’ Social Norms and Managers’ Desired Norms Regarding Absence: Preliminary Results from a Norm Elicitation Technique.” CSCE International Construction Specialty Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
  66. *Ahn, S., Shokri, S., Lee, S., Haas, C., and Haas, R. (2015) “Motivation for Interface Management in Construction: A Project Complexity Perspective.” CSCE International Construction Specialty Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
  67. **Starbuck, R., *Seo, J., *Han, S., and Lee, S. (2014) “A Stereo Vision-based Approach to Marker-less Motion Capture for On-Site Kinematic Modeling of Construction Worker Tasks.” Joint Conference International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering and CIB W078 Annual International Conference, Orlando, Florida. 
  68. *Ahn, S. and Lee, S. (2014) “Enhancing the Credibility of Agent-Based Models for the Study of Workers’ Group Behavior by Comparing Simulation Data with Survey Data.” Joint Conference International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering and CIB W078 Annual International Conference, Orlando, Florida.
  69. *Seo, J., **Starbuck, R., *Han, S., Lee, S., and Armstrong, T. J. (2014) “Dynamic Biomechanical Analysis for Construction Tasks Using Motion Data from Vision-Based Motion Capture Approaches.” Joint Conference International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering and CIB W078 Annual International Conference, Orlando, Florida.
  70. *Ahn, S. and Lee, S. (2014) “Understanding the Role of Social Rules in Shaping Construction Workers’ Absence Behavior Using Agent-based Modeling and Surveying.” ASCE Construction Research Congress, Atlanta, Georgia.
  71. *Anderson, K., *Ahn, S., and Lee, S. (2014) “Social Learning’s Effect on Absenteeism: The Impact of Project Turnover.” ASCE Construction Research Congress, Atlanta, Georgia.
  72. *Seo, J., *Han, S., Lee, S., and Armstrong, T. J. (2014) “Feasibility of On-Site Biomechanical Analysis During Ladder Climbing.” ASCE Construction Research Congress, Atlanta, Georgia.
  73. Shokri, S., *Ahn, S., Czerniawski, T., Haas, C. T., and Lee, S. (2014) “Current State of Interface Management in Mega Construction Projects.” ASCE Construction Research Congress, Atlanta, Georgia.
  74. Park, M., Lee, S., Lee, H., Choi, M., *Hwang, S., *Moon, M., and Lee, S. (2014) “A Framework for Post-Disaster Facility Restoration Management: Needs and Requirements for the Use of Hybrid Simulation.”, ASCE Construction Research Congress, Atlanta, Georgia.
  75. Halpin, D., Rucker, R., Borcherding, J., Lee, S., Kandil, A., and Bogus, S. (2014) “Early Days of the Construction Research Council.” ASCE Construction Research Congress, Atlanta, Georgia.
  76. *Anderson, K. and Lee, S. (2014) “An Agent-based Approach to Modeling Pro-Environmental Behaviors.” Winter Simulation Conference, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Washington D.C. (Invited Paper)
  77. *Liu, C., An, X., *Ahn, C., and Lee, S. (2013) “Integrated Evaluation of Cost, Schedule and Emission Performance on Rock-Filled Concrete Dam Construction Operation Using Discrete Event Simulation.” Winter Simulation Conference, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Washington D.C. (Invited Paper)
  78. *Ahn, S., *Anderson, K. and Lee, S. (2013) “Exploration of the Effect of Workers’ Influence Network on Their Absence Behavior Using Agent-based modeling and Simulation.” Winter Simulation Conference, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Washington D.C.
  79. Menassa, C., Kamat, V., and Lee, S. (2013) “On-Line Simulation of Building Energy Processes: Need and Research Requirements.” Winter Simulation Conference, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Washington D.C. (Invited Paper)
  80. Menassa, C., Kamat, V., Lee, S., Azar, E., Feng, C. and *Anderson, K. (2013) “A High Level Architecture Framework for Coupling Building Energy Performance Models.” The International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, France.
  81. *Seo, J., Lee, S. and Armstrong, T. (2013) “Dynamic Biomechanical Simulation for Identifying Risk Factors for WMSDs during Construction Tasks.” International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction and Mining (ISARC), Montreal, Canada.
  82. *Han, S., Lee, S. and Armstrong, T. (2013) “Markerless Motion Tracking to Study Physical Stresses during Climbing.” International Digital Human Modeling Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI.
  83. Hwang, S., Park, M., Lee, H., and Lee, S. (2013) “An Analysis of Post-disaster Resources Supply and Work Environment for Restoration Planning of Facilities.” International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Cambridge, MA.
  84. *Ahn, S., Gellatly, I., Lee, S. and Robinson-Fayek, A. (2013) “Survey of Factors of Construction Workers’ Absence Behavior.” The CSCE Annual Conference, Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Montreal, Canada.
  85. **Kim, B., *Kwon, J., Lee, S., and Kim. H. (2013) “Modeling of An Automated Regulatory Compliance in Building Design Using Ontology” The CSCE Annual Conference, Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Montreal, Canada.
  86. *Seo, J, *Han, S., Lee, S. and Armstrong, T. (2013) “Motion Data-driven Unsafe Pose Identification through Ergonomic Analysis.” ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, LA, CA. (Identified as one the top papers and invited to the special issue publication in the ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering)
  87. *Ahn, C., Lee, S. and Pena-Mora, F. (2013) “Accelerometer-Based Measurement of Construction Equipment Operating Efficiency for Monitoring Environmental Performance.” ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, LA, CA.
  88. Menassa, C., Kamat, V., Lee, S., Azar, E., Feng, C. and *Anderson, K. (2013) “Coupling Distributed Energy Simulation and Occupancy Models for Comprehensive Building Energy Consumption Analysis.” ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, LA, CA. 
  89. Lee, S., Behzadan, A., Kandil, A. and Mohamed, Y. (2013) “Grand Challenges in Simulation in Civil Engineering.” ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, LA, CA. 
  90. *Kwon, J., ***Kim, B., Lee, S. and Kim, H. (2013) “Automated Hazard Identification Framework for the Proactive Consideration of Construction Safety.” Joint International Conference on Construction Engineering and Management and Construction Project Management (ICCEM-ICCPM), Anaheim, CA. 
  91. *Ahn, S., “Hwang, S., Lee, S., Gellatly, I. and Park, M. (2013) “Dynamics Analysis of Attendance Behavior within Construction Crews.” Joint International Conference on Construction Engineering and Management and Construction Project Management (ICCEM-ICCPM), Anaheim, CA. 
  92.  *Ahn, C., Lee, S. and Peña-Mora, F. (2013) “Construction Equipment Activity Recognition from Accelerometer Data for Monitoring Operational Efficiency and Environmental Performance.” Joint International Conference on Construction Engineering and Management and Construction Project Management (ICCEM-ICCPM), Anaheim, CA. (Best Paper Award)
  93. ***Kim, B., Kim, H. and Lee, S. (2013) “Valuation of a Multi-Stage Rainwater Harvesting Tank Construction Using a Real Option Approach.” Joint International Conference on Construction Engineering and Management and Construction Project Management (ICCEM-ICCPM), Anaheim, CA.
  94. *Anderson, K., Lee, S. and Menassa, C. (2012) “Effect of Social Network Type on Building Energy Use.” BuildSys: 4th ACM Workshop on Embedded Sensing Systems for Energy-Efficiency in Buildings, Toronto, Canada. (Nominated for the Best Paper Award).
  95. *Han, S., **Achar, M., Lee, S. and Peña-Mora, F. (2012) “Automated 3d Human Skeleton Extraction Using Range Cameras for Safety Action Sampling.” 12th International Conference on Construction Application of Virtual Realty, Taipei, Taiwan, (Identified as one of the top papers and invited to the special issue publication in the Springer’s Visualization in Engineering). 
  96. *Ahn, C., Lee, S. and Peña-Mora, F. (2012) “A Framework to Assess and Monitor Operational Efficiency and Environmental Performance of Construction Operations.” US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship, LA, CA. 
  97. *Han, S. Lee, S. and Peña-Mora, F. (2012) “A Machine-Learning Classification Approach to Automatic Detection of Workers’ Actions for Behavior-based Safety Analysis.” ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Clear Beach, FL. (Best Paper Award)  
  98. Aliverdi, R., Shiftehfar, R., Lee, S. and Peña-Mora, F. (2012) “An Integrated Framework for Quantitative and Qualitative Monitoring of Construction Equipment Emission.” 2012 CSCE Annual Conference, Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Edmonton, AB, Canada. 
  99. *Han, S., Lee, S. and Peña-Mora, F. (2012) “Vision-based Motion Detection for Safety Behavior Analysis in Construction.” 2012 ASCE Construction Research Congress, West Lafayette, IN. 
  100. *Ahn, C. Lee, S. and Peña-Mora, F. (2012) “Monitoring System for Operational Efficiency and Environmental Performance of Construction Operations, Using Vibration Signal Analysis.” 2012 ASCE Construction Research Congress, West Lafayette, IN. 
  101. *Ahn, S., Lee, S. and Park, M. (2012) “Exploring Absenteeism Control Policies with Awareness of the Effect of Group Norms on Absence Behavior, Using Agent-Based Modeling.” 2012 ASCE Construction Research Congress, West Lafayette, IN. 
  102.  *Ahn, S. and Lee, S. (2011) “Absence Norm in Construction Project Organization and Its Implication in Human Resource Management: Using Agent-Based Modeling.” Winter Simulation Conference, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Phoenix, AZ. (Invited Paper)
  103. *Soleimanifar, M., Lu, M, Nikolaidis,N., and Lee, S. (2011) “A Robust Positioning Architecture for Construction Resources Localization Using Wireless Sensor Networks.” Winter Simulation Conference, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Phoenix, AZ. 
  104. *Li, C. and Lee, S. (2011) “Computer Vision Techniques for Worker Motion Analysis to Reduce Musculoskeletal Disorders in Construction.” ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Miami, FL. 
  105. *Han, S. Lee, S., Peña-Mora, F. (2011) “Application of Dimension Reduction Techniques for Motion Recognition: Construction Worker Behavior Monitoring.” ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Miami, FL. (Identified as one of the top papers and invited to the special issue publication in the ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering
  106. *Alvanchi, A., Lee, S., AbouRizk, S. (2011) “Modeling of Workers Evolution in Construction Projects.” 2011 CSCE Annual Conference, Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Ottawa, Canada. (Identified as one of the top papers and invited to the special issue publication in the CSCE Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering
  107. *Ahn, C., Lee, S. Peña-Mora, F. (2011) “Carbon Emissions Quantification and Verification Strategies for Large-scale Construction Projects.” International Conference on Sustainable Design and Construction (ICSDC), Kansas City, Missouri, USA, March 23–25, 2011. 
  108. *Ahn, C., Lee, S. Peña-Mora, F. (2011) “The Opportunities and Challenges for Contractual Consideration of Construction-related Carbon Emissions from Civil Infrastructure Projects.” 4th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM-2011), Sydney, Australia, February 16-18, 2011. 
  109. *Alvanchi, A., *Azimi, R., Lee, S., and AbouRizk, S. (2010) “Virtual Model of Structural Steel Construction Using COSYE Framework.” 2010 10th International Conference on Construction Applications of virtual Reality, Miyagi, Japan 
  110. *Ahn, C., *Pan, W., Lee, S., and Pena-Mora, F. (2010) “Lessons Learned from Utilizing Discrete-Event Simulation Modeling for Quantifying Construction Emissions in Pre-Planning Phase.” Winter Simulation Conference, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Baltimore, MD. (Invited Paper) 
  111. *Azimi, R., Lee, S., and AbouRizk, S. (2010) “Integrated Simulation-Based Look-Ahead Scheduling for Steel Fabrication Projects.” 2010 2nd International Conference on Advances in System Simulation, Nice, France. (Best Paper Award – invited to the special issue publication in International Journal on Advances in Software
  112. *Ahn, C., *Pan, W., Lee, S., and Pena-Mora, F. (2010) “Enhanced Estimation of Air Emissions from Construction Operations based on Discrete-Event Simulation.” 2010 International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE), Nottingham, UK.
  113. *Han, S., Lee, S., and Pena-Mora, F. (2010) “Framework for a Resilience System in Safety Management: A Simulation and Visualization Approach.” 2010 International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE), Nottingham, UK.
  114. *Sharif, M. and Lee, S. (2010) “Measurement of CO2 Emissions from Construction Vehicles.” CSCE 2010 Annual Conference/11th International Environmental Structures Specialty Conference, Winnipeg, Canada.
  115. **AbouRizk, H., Lee, S., Gellatly, I., Robinson Fayek, A. (2010) “Understanding Withdrawal Behavior in the Construction Industry.” 2010 ASCE Construction Research Congress, Banff, AB. 
  116. *Han, S., Lee, S., Peña-Mora, F. (2010) “System Dynamics Modeling of a Safety Culture Based on Resilience Engineering.” 2010 ASCE Construction Research Congress, Banff, AB. 
  117. *Azimi, R., Lee, S., AbouRizk, S. (2010) “Resource Performance Indicators in Controlling Industrial Steel Projects.” 2010 ASCE Construction Research Congress, Banff, AB. 
  118. *Alvanchi, A., Lee, S., AbouRizk, S. (2010) “Effects of Context Level Factors on Structural Steel Fabrication Shop Operations.” 2010 ASCE Construction Research Congress, Banff, AB. 
  119. *Ahn, C., Xie, H., Lee, S., AbouRizk, S., Peña-Mora, F. (2010) “Sustainability Analysis of Tunnel Construction Processes using Collaborative Tunneling Simulation.” 2010 ASCE Construction Research Congress, Banff, AB. 
  120. *Alvanchi, A., Lee, S., AbouRizk, S. (2009) “Meaningful Level of Changes in Hybrid Simulation for Construction Analysis.” 2009 Winter Simulation Conference, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Austin, TX. (Invited Paper) 
  121. *Azimi, R., Lee, S., AbouRizk, S. (2009) “Integrated Project Monitoring and Control for Steel Construction.” Joint International Conference on Construction Engineering and Management and Construction Project Management (ICCEM-ICCPM), Jeju, Korea. (Excellent Paper Award – invited to the special issue publication in Automation in Construction
  122. *Alvanchi, A., Lee, S., AbouRizk, S. (2009) “Incorporating Context Level Variables to Improve Operation Analysis in Steel Fabrication Shops.” Joint International Conference on Construction Engineering and Management and Construction Project Management (ICCEM-ICCPM), Jeju, Korea. 
  123. *Alvanchi, A., Lee, S., AbouRizk, S. (2009) “Modeling Architecture for Hybrid System Dynamics and Discrete Event simulation.” ASCE Construction Research Congress, Seattle, WA. 
  124. Lee, S., *Mohsen, O. (2008) “Application of Context Aware Computing to Construction Field Work.” 2008 CSCE Annual Conference, Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Quebec City, Canada. 
  125. Han, S., Lee, S., Golpavar, M., Peña-Mora, F. (2007) “Modeling and Representing Non-Value Adding Activities due to Errors and Changes in Design and Construction.” 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Washington D.C. 
  126. Lee, S., Han, S., Peña-Mora, F. (2007) “Hybrid System Dynamics and Discrete Event Simulation for Construction Management.” ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, Pittsburgh, PA. (Identified as one the top papers and invited to the special issue publication in the ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering
  127. Golpavar, M., Sridharan, A., Lee, S., Peña-Mora, F. (2007) “Visual Representation of Construction Progress Monitoring Metrics on Time-Lapse Photographs.” CME25: Construction Management and Economics: past, present, and future, University of Reading, UK. 
  128. Bhagnani, K., Lee, S., Peña-Mora, F., Helmes, P. (2007) “Proactive Coordination to Reduce Structural Steel Delays.” ASCE Construction Research Congress, Bahamas, ASCE. 
  129. Han, S., Peña-Mora, F., Lee, S., Park, M. (2006) “Hybrid Simulation for Strategic-Operational Construction Management.” Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering, Montreal, Canada. 
  130. Lee, S., Peña-Mora, F. (2006) “Visualization of Construction Progress Monitoring.” Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering, Montreal, Canada. 
  131. Lee, S., Peña-Mora, F. (2006) “Latency in Error and Change Management.” Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering, Montreal, Canada. 
  132.  Lee, S., Peña-Mora, F. (2005) “System Dynamics Approach for Error and Change Management in Concurrent Design and Construction.” 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Orlando, FL.
  133. Lee, S., Peña-Mora, F., Park, M. (2005) “Dynamic Error and Change Management in Concurrent Design and Construction.” ASCE Construction Research Congress, San Diego, CA, ASCE. 
  134. Lee, S., Peña-Mora, F., Park, M. (2003) “Reliability and Stability Buffering Approach in Concurrent Design and Construction Projects.” International Group of Lean Construction 11th Annual Conference, Blacksburg, Virginia, IGLC. 
  135. Lee, S., Peña-Mora, F., Park, M. (2003) “Dynamic Quality and Change Management Framework for Concurrent Design and Construction.” ASCE Construction Research Congress, Honolulu, HA, ASCE.

Books and Book Chapters

  1. Jebelli, H., Habibnezhad, M., Shayesteh, S., Asadi, S., and Lee, S. on  “Automation and Robotics in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Industry” Springer (link).
  2. Han, S., Lee, S., and Park, M. (2014) “Dynamic Project Management: An Application of System Dynamics in Construction Engineering and Management” Optimization and Control Methods in Industrial Engineering and Construction, Springer.
  3. Brilakis, I., Lee, S., and Bererik-Gerber, B. (ed.) (2013) ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE Press, Reston, VA, 2013.
  4. Ruwanpura, J., Mohamed, Y., and Lee, S. (ed.) (2013) Construction research congress: Innovation for reshaping construction practice, ASCE Press, Reston, VA, 2010

Technical Reports

(* graduate student advisees)

  1. Lee, S. and Armstrong, T. (2014) “Field Tool for On-Site Biomechanical Analysis During Ladder Climbing” CPWR.
  2. Lee, S., Robinson Fayek, A., *Salehi, M. (2009) “A Pilot Study to Develop an Absenteeism Tracking Tool for Alberta Industrial Construction Projects.” Construction Owners Association of Alberta.

Invited Articles (non-refereed)

(* graduate student advisees, ** undergraduate student advisees)

  1. Lee, S. & Baek, F. (2022) “Toward Empathetic Construction Robotics” Korea Society of Automation and Robotics in Construction, Seoul, Korea.
  2. Lee, S. (2009) “US and Canada’s Perspective on Energy Consumption and GHG/CAP Emissions in Construction Processes.” Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, Seoul, Korea.
  3. **AbouRizk, H., Lee, S., Gellatly, I., Robinson Fayek, A. (2009) “Applying Computer Simulation Technology to Study Employee Withdrawal Behaviors within the Construction Industry.” 16th Canada Construction Research Forum, Banff, AB, Canada.
  4. *Azimi R., *Alvanchi A., Lee S., AbouRizk S. (2009) “Development of the Industrial Steel Construction Federation in the COSYE Environment.” 16th Canada Construction Research Forum, Banff, AB, Canada.
  5. Lee S. (2006) “Lessons Learned from Applying System Dynamics to Construction Simulation.” Research Report of Construction Engineering and Management, Seoul National University, Korea.